
The task was to create a branding video for a company of my choice. I was in the U.K. at the time and visited a lot of book stores which lead to me choosing Penguin Books because their orange covers were so easy to find.
I read through articles which talked about the orange cover design and it’s history. I then watched any videos I could find involving their brand identity to understand how I was going to adhere to it without actual guidelines.

In 2014 design agency Pentagram created a new logo and animation for Penguin Random House which I decided should be the base for all the animation I was going to do.

Once I had figured out what brand info I was going to use I began storyboarding and collecting assets. Music was a challenge because I was looking for something old but new to accurately represent the long history of the brand but also the modern aspects of it. While taking a break from searching I happened to be listening to an album by Jinsang and the song jumped out.